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May 14, 2024 - News, Uncategorized

Deloitte Canada awards AirStart coveted Platinum Club status 

AirStart joins the Platinum Club after nine consecutive Best Managed Company wins

TORONTO, May 14, 2024

AirStart Incorporated (“AirStart”) is now a Platinum Club member of Deloitte Canada’s Best Managed Companies. The company was first awarded Best Managed status in 2015 and achieved Gold status in 2019.

This achievement reflects the company’s ongoing commitment to operational excellence amidst constant growth. AirStart, a 100% Canadian-owned company, competes daily with some of the best aviation companies in the world and is an acknowledged leader in the aviation aftermarket across all commercial aircraft platforms.

This recognition is about who we are as a company. Best Managed is more than a logo. It’s our standard operating procedure. We’re always asking ourselves: How can we find new ways to serve our clients better?

Rob Wills, Founder and CEO

At the core of AirStart’s success is its rapid exchange program, which delivers critical replacement components for grounded aircraft. In the aviation industry, even short delays can carry tremendous costs, which is why AirStart continually invests in speeding up delivery times to get those planes back in the air. “The saying ‘time is money’ takes on a new meaning in aviation,” says Wills. “Our innovative approach keeps our clients in flight and helps them reduce costs. That’s really what we’re all about – supporting the industry we’re passionate about.”

“Platinum status is a natural extension of everything AirStart stands for: it represents endurance and versatility and is, in fact, used in many aircraft components because of its ability to withstand stress,” says Anne Vinet, Executive Vice President of Marketing and Business Development. “The same can also be said about AirStart. We have endured market challenges, and we always come out stronger.”

Source: AirStart.
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